Tesla Chasis Diagnosis Guide

There are five sections under Chasis: Suspension, Alignment and Tires, TPMS, Steering, SCCM and Brakes.

Alignment & Tires:

  • Clear Applied Offset
  • Calibrate steering Column
  • Offset Drive Test - it will show whether alignment is centered or not.
  • Reset Learned Tire Values -

1. Alignment and Tires

Actual applied offset

On top of left side, you will see Actual applied offset

Clear Applied Offset

  • To clear applied offset.
  • Runs ODIN routine PROC_EPAS_ESP_CLEAR-ANGLE-OFFSETS to clear applied offset.

Offset Drive Test 

  • it will show whether alignment is centered or not.
  • Runs ODIN routine TEST-SELF_EPAS_X_STEERING-CENTER-OFFSETSERVICE to perform an offset test drive.
  • Purpose of this action is to check if alignment has been disturbed significantly after a suspension repair.

Calibrate steering Column

Reset Learned Tire Values 

  • Runs ODIN routine PROC_VCSEC_X_TPMS-ERASE-AND-AUTOLEARN to reset estimates after tire rotation or replacement.

Live steering wheel Angle + force applied on the steering wheel. 

  • You could see on right hand side

2. TPMS 

3. Steering 

Steering column vitals 

Calibrate steering Column

  • Runs ODIN routine PROC_STEERING_COLUMN_CALIBRATION to calibrate the steering column.

Steering rack vitals

4. SCCM (Steering Column Control Module) 

This panel allows the user to check each function / button related to the SCCM. For instance, when pushing the park brake button, the « P » on the screen will become yellow.

This confirms the button is working properly.

5. Brakes

Source: Tesla 

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Disclaimer: Tesla, Inc. was not involved in the creation of this document. Tesla did not provide us any info. Tesla did not edit, review or authorize us. We gather this information from Tesla official website and other resources.

Note: It is your responsibility to double check and confirm that the procedures/info mentioned in this blog are applicable to your specific car before performing them. Please contact us or our workshop partner to make sure/confirm. We will be happy to help you.